Ohio ENT Allergy Physicians



Ohio ENT & Allergy Physicians is Ohio’s largest Otolaryngology and Allergy Group with offices located throughout Central Ohio. Fast growth in their business has brought fast-paced changes in their offices and they have relied on Lehman Daman for several of these projects.

I always felt like I was their only project.  I still do!

The first project, a lobby renovation, led to more facility renovations based on Lehman Daman’s down-to-earth management style and daily on-site supervision that instilled confidence in the Ohio ENT team. The third collaboration was a complete build-out of an empty space to create Ohio ENT’s new Dublin Allergy office. This space included all of the treatment rooms, lobby, and records management spaces.

The biggest concern for Ohio ENT was that renovation was being done on fully operational medical facilities, and doctors were still seeing patients during the construction period. Lehman Daman worked closely with the Ohio ENT team to develop phasing plans designed to keep their patients and staff safe while ensuring portions of the clinics remained open to keep their business running.

Ohio ENT

3 facilites in Ohio

$294,526 / $686,300 / $119,100

2016 / 2017 / 2018

Fasten Design
Day Engineering